
Invite children to emotional
awareness through colors
Guide children to emotional
acceptance and acknowledgment
through colors
Inspire children and parents to regulate emotions through colors
Through colors we wish to support the evolution in each child from
COLORS can be an easy and beneficial way for parents and children
to connect with, accept and regulate emotions.
We invite children and teens to take small steps inward with The Colors of Life Journal and tap into their emotions, practice mindfulness, learn about their innate strengths and get into a habit of journalling.

Our mission relates to UN Sustainable Development Goal No. 3: Health and Wellbeing for all ages

What People Say
Student says:
"I feel that the story with the different gardens and colors is just like LIFE".
"I like to say the affirmation: I AM STRONG AND ENOUGH".
"Did you know, that my body is full of all colors".
"When I listened to the story I felt like being at home".
"I noticed a tickling feeling in my hands when I listened to the story".
"My head feels light after we did the belly breathing".
"I like the mandalas in the journal, beacuse I color them, while I think about what to write in the journal".
"When you read the green story, I imagined sliding down a green hill and it was fun".
Teachers say:
"The students connect really good with colors, which makes it easy for them to use colors as a tool when we talk about how to regulate emotions".
"The langauge used in the material is open, inviting and with a growth mindset" .
"The material works around both body and mind very thoroughly, which makes it dynamic to work with".
Parents say:
A mom read the blue meditation story to her son at bedtime, since he was suffering from at sore throat and together they imagined blue color in the throat.
In the morning the 9-year-old boy said:
"Mom, I dreamed that I went to a shop and bought a blue lollipop. when I started eating the lollipop I noticed the blue color getting bigger and bigger in my throat which took away the pain"
Blue can be a color associated with the throat area.
A mother of 3 boys said:
"Some days when coming home from school our sons quietly go over to the wooden men in the garden and look at their different emotional faces for a while, before running inside"
Orange can be a color connected to feeling and releasing emotions.
Our Mission: to empower body, mind and self for more well-being
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